Tagged by Liyana Momoi

What do your friends call you?
- fy,fie,fee,lut,abang pi,pi,py! HAHA.

When is your birthday?
- 12july.

Are you a hard drinker?
- awu eh! Minum air! 12 tanks a day. HAHA.

Beauty is..
- apa beauty ani ah? Cuba kau jawab? HAHA.

Favourite movie.
- banyak jii.

Provide some of your numbers.
- 86,12,7,88,

Name some of your favourite hang outs.
- Gadong,chill,rumah ku,jamban xp.

Are you a party girl/boy?
- nope. I dont do party. GOOD BOY KALI AH! Haha.

Is there someone mad at you?
- ada. Jangan tah tau wah.

Name some of your friend?
- i better not to list their names. KARANG ADA YANG PIKIR BUKAN2 LAGI.

A friend is...
- someone who is not a USIN PACAH type of friend. Who realy appreciate/love you. Who knows their limits.

Who is more important? Love ones? Or your friends?
- both lee.

Did a time come that you had 2 or more bf/gf?
- dulu tima alum mature. Haha.

who was the last person you dated?
- why do you wanna knw?

is there any one of your exes and friends of yours whom you know are together now? Who are they?
- antah ah.

How about a message for your ex?
- ermmmm. Im still alive. Dont think that i cant live without you.

Say something to your bf/gf.
- ive got nothing to say.

Tag 5 people.
- siapa
- lah.
- yg
- rajin.
